torsdag 28. april 2011

Christ has redeemed me

Christ has redeemed me from every curse and
I am consumed by his beauty
Christ he has healed me from every pain now I
Live to recover his beauty
On earth

I am only one, but still I am one and
I cannot do everything but still I can do something
And even though I know I can’t do everything
I will not refuse to do something I can do ‘cause

Christ has redeemed me from every curse...

I am very young, yeah they say I’m a child and
I know I’m very weak get easily hurt and so
But even though I know that you may break my heart
I will never stop doing good things to you because 

Christ has redeemed me from every curse...

onsdag 27. april 2011

Ch 3: No longer me

And he died for all that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and rose again. 
2. Cor 5:15

In Norway, I used to work in a center for mentally retarded people. I enjoyed it very much. The atmosphere was very joyful, mostly because of one of the residents, a 65 years old man, and 150 cm of height who had Down ’s syndrome. He was so funny; he loved music and started sing and dance to the smallest tune on the radio. He was obviously a Christian. After a while, I was told that his mum had taken him to church a lot during his lifetime. But even before I got that information, I could recognize his “life with God” on his life. Because of his state, he didn’t have very much of speech. But the few phrases he had were well known in the center. One of them was: “are you doing well?”

This phrase was so often repeated in the center, that I noticed that some of the workers were a little annoyed by it, and told him to calm down and don’t mind so much others business. In fact, the reaction of the workers stirred me very much! Of course, as a Christian, it was the most natural thing for my friend to show love and care for the others! 1. Thess 4:9 says:

But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another;

He was simply taught by God to love! Telling him to calm down, would be like robbing him from his lives purpose! Of course, when we become Christian, the first thing we experience is an overwhelming love for other people. It’s not something you are struggling to produce in your own strength; it’s something God in His grace puts inside all kinds of Christians when they become children of God!

For what?
To have a nice comfortable Christian club over gassed with love, so all can fall asleep quietly and in peace till Jesus comes back by singing “love is in the air” and “cumbayah”?  NO! Then, if I was God, I would rather rapture all to heaven at once they’d prayed salvation prayer. Because at least I would be in a big risk of becoming backslidden if such a boring club was what Christian life was all about.

The reason why God has filled us with his genuine, perfect love for people is simply because on God’s heart, there are more children. -Children who don’t know how much God loves them; Children who have never heard about how much God desires to adopt them as his own, like he once adopted you. Letting you stay at earth, filled with his love gives him another physical body which whom He can love peopleJohn 13:35 clearly states

By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

Because we love Him
When was last time you fell in love with a person? I’m unfortunately not an expert on that area. But I’ve noticed that when I fall in love with somebody, I attentively look for opportunities to get to know the certain person better. And in order to do that, I know one smart thing to do; get to know his friends! Find out what he is interested in, what he likes to do, where he likes to hangout. And I’ve realized that if I take courage and go there too, I will sooner or later get to know the certain person better! Whether it works out or not, is another story; because it’s not always sure that the certain person will love you back. But God loves you and will never leave you, nor forsake you (Hebr. 13:5)!

So you can safely respond to His love the same way! I don’t know about you, but I never have a hard time falling in love with somebody. And I tell you for sure; falling in love with Jesus is not hard; when you understand how much he loves you. 1 john 4:19 says that

We love Him because He first loved us.

But for sure, we have a choice whether you’ll let it fade out as a “distance love”, or take some courage and do what it takes in order to come into a close relationship to the person Jesus Christ! You can actually ask Jesus yourself: Jesus, what do you like? How can I love you more? Like the woman in the most romantic book in the bible, songs of songs. In verse 1:7 she asks the man:

Tell me, you whom I love, where you graze your flock and where you rest your sheep at midday. Why should I be like a veiled woman beside the flocks of your friends?

She is in love with him! I mean; for what else should she find interest in asking about his sheep? Most girls don't care about sheep:-)

Maybe you have the same story? I know so many people who earlier hated people. But suddenly, when they fall in love with Jesus, they start mind about people! Why? Because Jesus is the good Sheppard of people! (John  10:11)

If you start living for the people who Jesus loves, you will never fail! Actually, Jesus loves people so much, so the only way you can get to know him more, is to start living for other people.

Starting to live for other people is not the easiest life. I’m convinced that I would be a Christian never sinning, at least never getting angry, –if it wasn’t because of this people! People may laugh at you and you may risk to be treated unfairly back for your noble motives and attempts doing good. –Just like the woman in the story in John 12:1-8; Mary was a girl who really loved Jesus; He had resurrected her brother from death, and was a good friend of the family. Once, she showed her love back to him by anointing his feet with expensive oil and drying it with her own hair. The people around made fun of her, said she was spilling. They even twisted her motives and accused her for stealing from the poor!

How often haven’t I heard the same; like when I decided to move to Ukraine to pour “my precious oil” over the beautiful girls and kids whom is both fatherless and orphans and are SO close to Jesus’ heart; “You are spilling money, potential, carrier, your Norwegian health insurance, you’re putting yourself and others in risk getting HIV, hepatitis, and so on.“

But did you notice that Jesus had pleasure in Mary’s “spilling”! Only she were able to anoint Jesus before his funeral (The women who came on Easter day were too late –Jesus was already raised.)

Is it worth it?

However, the question: Can I afford the “spilling?” will always appear. What will happen if I give 10% of my income to the local church? Will I get bankrupt? What will people around think if I go and talk with a person who smells bad and has no social skills? Will he fall in love with me or demand from me? And when all comes to an end; is it really worth it?

For the first, living for others is not something we can do in own power. God is so awesome that he has saved us for free; I hope you’re familiar with Ephesians 2:8-9:

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. 

But it doesn’t stop here –it’s more in verse 10!

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. 

Every good work you’ll ever do is carefully prepared by God! He also promises to make us rich and wealthy enough to do afford it! 2. Cor 9:8

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

God has so beautiful promises for us. He says that when we give up our selves, he will take care of us! (Luke 9:24)

Some of my favourite verses is Mattew 6:25-34 in New Living Translation. Read and enjoy!

25 "So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life -- whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? 26 Look at the birds. They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are. 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not. 28 "And why worry about your clothes? Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you? You have so little faith! 31 "So don't worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. 32 Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, 33 and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. 34 "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today

This doesn’t mean that you should turn ascetic and stop going to the shop buying clothes, just waiting for God to give it to you. -It means to live for another purpose than being just cool, nice, well known by people, like this red stereo player I talked about in the previous chapter. It means to stay connected with your Heavenly Father! Let Him satisfy you! Let Him be your joy in life. And! Let his dreams be your dreams! My favorite verse (I have many –but this rocks!) is psalm 37:3-4

Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. 
Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart

There are numbers of promises in the Bible that says that you are free to live for other people!

You’ll have to know…

Choosing to love Jesus more will always be regarded as strange with human eyes. You’ll very seldom find encouragement to start living for others in the newspaper or any other places except the Bible; because the human race today are robbed by egoism. Egoism is the bad seeds the devil has sawn on the earth today (Matt 7:24-30) Egoism is the famous mindset that circulates around me, mine, and what is in it for me, and so on. It’s already a lot of popular books, even Christians, at the market about realizing your dream, your potential, and your life.

God didn’t save you to live for yourself. Your self is what is left in the cocoon, the old life, that Jesus has freed you from! When you start living for yourself, you crawl back to the old cocoon of spit, dirt and sin. And there is no freedom and no life in there. A small, hard shell that decreases you!

It’s a “battle” the Devil is trying to win, by drawing people’s attention to self. Have you ever taken a look on a satanic bible? I don’t believe it’s a very significant book. But did you know; it doesn’t explain anything about how to worship the devil; it’s a book about how to worship yourself. It teaches people that “I am my own God. I can do whatever I want.”

Throughout the ages, the attempt of drawing attention to self has been the devils strongest weapon. People have even obtained glory as heroes by saying “I am so free. I can have sex with whoever I want. I can satisfy my flesh with whatever I find interesting.” But the Bible says that whoever commits sin is a slave –not free! ‘Cause all sins binds you back to your old cocoon –you old body of sin. 

If you take a closer view, you’ll discover that all kinds of sins are in some way related to egoism. Let’s look at addiction to drugs as an example.  Please, don’t take offence if you are, or have been like that. Your only hope, however, is found in Jesus Christ! But with love, I need to show you how evil addiction and egoism is. 

The bondage in addiction is very strong; Very likely, it destroy their relationships with their loved ones, simply because their desire for drugs or alcohol to satisfy their flesh, is stronger than the desire of keeping their promises to their loved ones. It steals their houses, because their comitment to their addiction is stronger than the comitment to pay the rent. In the end, they’ll find themselves loving their addiction to drugs more than their own children! I’ve seen children left purposely by mothers, after consciously been looking into the eyes of their blameless adorable two year old girl, saying; “You know, mama have certain needs. You will for sure understand her when you get older”. It's nothing but evil!

It’s a story about someone like that in the bible in the book of Exodus; Pharaoh. He sinned and hardened his heart before the children of Israel. However, the sin robbed him and his nation for their food, their water, their health, and in the end, it turned so bad that he, and all his people, lost their firstborn child!

There's a lie that we can live to satisfy our self without affecting other people’s life. I'm not saying this to scare people, but to expose way the Devil is working; he came to murder, steal and destroy from us. (John 10:10) Egoism will always leave you robed, spiritually dead and destroyed outwardly and on the inside.  

But Jesus came for you to have life and have it abundantly!

Know this; God also know the reason, and the root causes of the sins and addictions you may be bounded to. Maybe it’s a mixture of fear, guilt and worries. Maybe even somebody hurt you violently in the past! Giving yourself to sins like drugs or alcohol seemed to be the only way to survive your terrible conditions. I’m not taking your sins lightly. But I know this; Jesus is for sure the Sheppard and overseer of your soul (1. Peter 2:25). He is the one who will guide you; he will show you the truths that will lead you into complete freedom! (John 8:33) He longs to restore and give you back many times back what the Devil has stolen from you (Is. 61:7)! And before all, make sure you know;

Therefore, there are no condemnation for those who are in Christ! 
Romans 8:1

You are created to live free! (Gal 5:1) Living to love others empties you for the last part of sin that may be left in you. The Love of Jesus is the only thing which is stronger than love to sin. Gal 5:16

 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh

I remember how I used to be so troubled with worries about finances for tomorrow. I thought in my mind that I was very free; of course, I was a missionary, living by faith. But step by step, God showed me that I loved money. Why? Because I stored up a lot of money on my bank account for no reason; while my best friend had a big material need! The Bible says that God has loved us so much, that we can even afford to give our life for our brothers and sisters! (I john 3:16)

In the end, I gave in for God’s love and bought the needed computer to my sister from all the money I had stored up for a “rainy day”. It was hurting, yes. The Devil told me I was stupid and that I was spilling, and so on.

The end of the story was that I got so happy! Of course; it’s greater joy to give than to get. And I tell you; to fulfill other people’s dreams is so much more satisfying than struggling to fulfill your own. God will fulfill your dream! Start fulfilling His dream –telling the world that He loves them! Get out from the egoistic cocoon!

Do it practical!

I hate when people come to me and tell me that I wash the toilet wrong, without telling me how to do it right. So I’ll give you some simple advices you can take advantage from, if you are one of those desiering to enter freedom from yourself, but you simply don't know how.

For the first: Starting living for others is a choice you need to take every day, not only once in a lifetime! The Bible encourages us in 1. Tess 4:9 to enrich our love to one another! Not so long time ago, I really wanted new clothes and makeup, but I could't afford it. But then, God showed me a scripture that said that good works makes a woman more beautiful than a nice outfit (1. Tim 2:10). so I decided to put some more effort into doing good work! This may sound like a very egoistic motive for doing good, but I tell you, it works! It really makes you beautiful, and as you do it, God's love flows through your life!Make sure you've remembered about your "makeup" today!

Secondly: You'll have to walk by faith; I agree with you completely: You don't have time for this. You don't have money, energy, health or even desire for doing this. But God has; and God wants your good works to succeed more than you. So please, rest in His words. 

Make a habit to fill needs!
A good thing to do is to develop a habit to fill needs. It’s not as hard as it seems. Like in the train station in Donetsk, there are lines with baggers; old and invalids. Everybody is passing by. But I know that God has not created me to be like everybody; I have Jesus Christ present in my life through the Holy Spirit! The baggers are all asking for money, but their biggest need is of course; they are sick! I often ask God to show me how to fill needs. He knows! The Bible has many advices of how to fill needs of sickness; one I just recently discovered one; to visit them! (Mattew 25:36) You can sit down with them, ask for their names. Ask about what’s the matter. Make a conversation. And God’s love will reveal! Maybe you'll get opportunity to pray with them for healing or salvation, take them to church or fill some material needs!

Recently, a woman came and told me that her fiancé had no money for contact lenses-water. And because I’m trying to develop the habit of filling needs, I gave her. I didn’t get bankrupt.

Another practical tip is to stay connected with your local church. I mean: I don’t have a house for homeless or drug addicted: But in my church, for sure somebody has. Jesus is working through the church even more effectively than when he was present in his own body 2000 years ago!

Plan to do good
Planning to “do good” is a very smart thing to do, especially if you earlier had a habit of planning to do bad! It’s several excuses for planning to bless people; Birthdays, Valentine’s day, mother’s day, 8th of march, Christmas, spring, winter, autumn, summer, children-rights day, name-day, or “I just feel like blessing you”-day. –Plot it in your calendar! Make a small card, give a hug, or make a party -all according to what you have in your hans. The Bible says that you'll always have enough, so don't regard what you have as not enough! In our rehab-center, there are several girls who experience to get their first birthday-party ever! My leader in ministry met his wife while putting up a Christmas celebration in an orphanage in Ukraine. God will surely bless you back (Gal 6:9)!

Together with somebody
You can also go together with somebody, and plan doing good together –maybe in your school or work! Then it will for sure get 1000 times better -and easier. Find a need, fill it! Use your talents. Pray, and in this way, you together with the almighty, all powerful, ever-loving God will fulfill His dream!

søndag 24. april 2011

How much you love me

I have seen your face
And I am changed, I am changed
Just a glimps of your grace
And I will never be the same

My refuge, my tower, my help
In you I trust
My Savior, Redeemer, my friend
I set you first

Your love is reveiled
You gave your son
To die for me
My sins you washed away
You did it all
For me to know
How much you love me

I have touched your robe
And I am healed, I am healed
Your blood has made a way
Now I can freely live my destiny

My refuge, my tower, my help
In you I trust
My Savior, Redeemer, my friend
I set you first

Your love is reveiled
You gave your son
To die for me
My sins you washed away
You did it all
For me to know
How much you love me

Ch 2: A New Creation!

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. -2. Corinthians 5:17 NKJV

I work in a rehab-center where lives both small babies with their mums which is former drug or alcohol-addicted. Of course, we are not covering up the women’s past, or denying its existence. But we know that for God –there is no difference in the holiness of little baby-Daniel, three months, and his mum, even though she may have lived a crazy life in criminality, drugs, prostitution, and so on. In fact, when the Bible says that everything is new –everything is new! Gods work is always complete! The word of God tells even that he will remember your sins no more! (Heb 8:12) God is not so hard to understand right. When He says He has forgotten about your sins, He has for sure! It's not more complicated than that! To state this point, I love to lift up one of the smallest babies and tell everybody: Wow, what a beautiful baby! But so sad to think about its past.” Then people start asking curiously “What past?”

The baby has no past because it is new! Some Christians limits this state of being “new creations” to last for some months or few years after they've become Christians. But the Bible says that “those who are in Christ are New Creations! To be "in Christ" means simply to be a believer in Jesus Christ (1. John 3:23-24). So as long you are a believer, you are a New Creation everyday! -You are a new born baby constantly! Nothing from your old life of sin is connected to your life anymore. Your sinful past belongs to another person who is death!

How can I say that?
Simply because the bible says that it was your old life died, was crucified with Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary 2000 years ago.

Gal 2:20a NKJV says:
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.

Your sins have died. Do you remember I told you that the wages of sin is death? Jesus had no sins himself to die for. So he took yours. God poured into Jesus Christ all the sins in the world. God is outside of time. (He created time for us humans in order for us to be able to cope with one thing at the time. But God is not like us. He is almighty, and he doesn't have any struggles with coping with more than 5000 things at the same time.) So he took all the sins. -From the very first person, Adam, to the last person which is still not born; and poured it into the body of Jesus Christ. God literally made Jesus into sin! (2. cor 5:21) Neither the Jews nor the Romans killed Jesus Christ. Our sins killed Jesus.

Don't you believe me? 
Have you seen the movie "The Passion of Christ"? If so, you may have noticed how Jesus actually also was suffering the consequences of our sins. I don't know, but maybe your past addiction has brought you some painful incurable diseases? I have good news for you; Jesus was beaten sick! When He was displayed naked, He felt guilt and shame. They tore his head -brain, mind, with thorns. Isaiah 52:14 in New Living Translation describes that

But the worst consequence he suffered from our sins, was that this terrible aroma of sins "smelled so bad", that Jesus' own, Heavenly Father had to leave him. That's why Jesus cried in Mark 15:34: 

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" 

This was not because of Jesus' own sins, it was yours and mine! Our sins literally suffered. Your sins literally tore a person to death -The person Jesus Christ. I remember first time I understood this. Our Pastor in the Bible school of Oslo Christian Center did a course about the letter to The Romans 5, 6, 7 and 8. And as he revealed the truth while reading and explaining verse by verse, I got so happy! And after verse 6 and 7 in chapter 6, my life has never been the same;

6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin-- 7 because anyone who has died has been freed from sin.

Wow, my sins have died! My old life died in the body of Jesus! I am actually free from sin! I remember how ran from the last seat in the back of the class room in the end of the lesson, the front (without any alter-call invitation) and embraced my pastor. I was so happy, that I didn’t know where to put all this rising joy I had inside me. All my life I had seen people saved from a sinful life receiving forgiveness from their past. They also got really happy. Since I considered myself as a lifetime-Christian (not a regretting sinner), I was all the time rejoicing on their behalf. But finally, I had the same joy, maybe a greater one, inside me! Oh, how I wish and pray that you will experience the same joy over forgiveness of your sins!  Look at Romans 8:12!

Therefore, brethren, we are debtors--not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh.

You are another person now! You are free! Free to walk away from your sinful past. You can run away from it. And the coolest thing; You can also

Fly away!
I am a fan of butterflies. I'm not collecting them (because in order to do that, you'll have to kill them), but I love to carefully behold, gaze, and admire their beauty... Their colors... The way they're souring with the wind.

But did you know, just like you and me, the butterfly has a story. Somebody may say a past. However you may say it, the beautiful yellow orange butterfly hasn’t always been souring the sky in its bright spectacouless clothing.

It has been a caterpillar
in another dress. -A grey, brown one, similar to the colors of dust at the ground, where it used to have its dwelling place. It never soured higher than the growths of the earth, simply because it had no wings to fly with. No offence, but none can claim that the caterpillar was a photo shot for passersby.

Do you think life turned better for the grey-brown-green caterpillar? No way! Now, he is covered in his own spit, dust and dirt, tied to a straw in a brown cocoon. The passersby consider it as dead. His own smelly spit and dirt has finally got hold on it.

But a miracle is taking place! Finally, the dead cocoon is opening. And out from it come a new creation, with new colors; and a shape completely different from the old, clumsy, slimy and smelly one. –A butterfly! Nothing is the same anymore. Yes, it was in the cocoon. Yes, it’s made by the same materials. But it can fly! Fly high! Sour the sky…

But what about the cocoon?
Maybe you consider it as bad to leave the old life at the ground? Do you think the butterfly should stay in company with it? I mean, at least try to give the cocoon a new place to live? Or at least held a funeral for this dead body?

As new creations, the bible says we are dead from our old life and are not debtors to the flesh anymore. Why are you walking around feeling guilt for your past sins? I mean, there is a time for restoration; I’ll speak more about it in chapter 8. But why do you even consider yourself as an ex-alcoholic, or criminal? (or ex pride or ex stingy..)

The resurrection life of Jesus is what makes you fly away from your past sins. The bible says in Romans 8:11

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. 

Didn’t I tell you that everything is new? Jesus has dealt with your cocoon. –Your old life of sin, slim and dust has died –in the body of Jesus Christ! This revelation –that your old life is death –is the power that gives you the right to receive His resurrection life inside of yours. This is grace! It’s free on our behalf. It’s unmerited, unconditional..

…but automatic?
Some people think that God saves all people regardless if they believe it or not. I want to warn you from this erroneous theology called “Universalism”. But then I ask: Did Jesus die automatically? Of course not! Jesus didn't die for our sins by a accidence or by chance. He died by purpose, willingly. You can read about it in Luke 22:42. Jesus was willing to become sin for us. If he wasn't willing God would never ever put all the sins of the world on his beloved son.

In the same way, God also require your willingness in order to give you the resurrection-life of Jesus. The bible says in john 1:12

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:

And further:

who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

So this new life with Christ, you get when you receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, (when you have prayed the prayer as shown in the previous chapter) and from here starts your new life! His resurrection life moves into you by the Holy Spirit.

What has this to do with my destiny?
Imagine your life as a stereo player. Maybe you say that I don’t need God. I have an okay life. I am good looking. I have a spouse that loves me. I don’t want to be bound to any God. The stereo player may also say: I don’t need the electrical outlet. I’ve an okay life; I'm beautiful metallic red. I have people that love me. I don’t want to be bound to a wall.

Ok stereo player. Feel free. But do you know what will happen when you let somebody plug you into an outlet? –you will start to play music! Beautiful music! Music that will make people dance, sing, cry, rejoice... Dear stereo player, you will start live your destiny!

My dear friend, when you get born again, you will find your destiny. Why? -Because the Holy Spirit moves into you. He is your connection with your Heavenly Father. He adopts you as his very own child, and starts to transform your noisy life into harmonic music. He knows who you are created to be.

Not so long time ago, I was in Gdansk, a very beautiful city in Poland. There, among the Dutch houses, ancient Cathedrals and fountains, sat a girl on a bench with black hair, piercings, and torn jeans playing on an electric guitar. Her singing was more like screaming; obviously she wanted to be a punk. But she had one lack -loudspeakers! I may sound a little harsh in my description, but I mean, for such an eminent musician as me (…), to hear an electric guitar without loudspeakers is hilarious! Electric guitars do not sound good (or sound at all) without loudspeakers! And it will defiantly not sound like punk; no matter how crazy heavy she twists her voice. I kind of got a heart for the girl and felt like supporting her... But I didn’t.

So my point: The new birth is the loudspeaker that puts all into its right order in your life. Your life is not created for stealing or lying. -Not for sex outside marriage. The Holy Spirit knows this and will tell it to you with the loving voice of your Heavenly Father. He knows how to put your life into harmony. Your purpose in life is to know your heavenly Father. God has given you his living word –The Bible. Through his word you cand spend time with him. He tells you how much he loves you, puts your life into the right harmony it was purposed to. He tells you what he has on his heart, and by this; He also gives you another destiny for life:

lørdag 23. april 2011

Ch.1: The purpose of life

I remember how I in my teenagers was so completely sure that I knew all about God and the Bible. Of course I knew a lot. I was raised in a Christian family. I had been to Christian festivals where I’d been told to read the bible for one hour every morning (and I did!) I did the right things. Now, I see that I was a little pride, and very often condemned and rebuked the other youths on my age. I remember how my "religious" behavior was exposed once for all in a bible-study group, when the youth pastor asked the youngsters: What’s the purpose of life?

I used to be the first to lift my hand and shout out the right answer. This time I was sure enough the first, but however, I was wrong. I found myself guessing: “The purpose of life.. To be a good Christian? To help others? To preach the gospel?”

Gracefully, the youth pastor explained us the purpose of life: To life in a personal relationship with God. The bible says in ephisians 1.3-4

…he chose us in him before the foundation of the world … In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.

You’re the fulfillment of Gods dream!

Maybe your parents have told you your whole life that you were a mistake, that you weren’t planned. You just happened, mum got pregnant, and you kind of "surprised" them with your appearance. But you know what? God didn’t create you by accident! He planned you before the foundation of the world. Psalm 139:13-16 says

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.

My parents planned to have me for 4 years. My mum had miscarriage 3 times before me, so you can imagine their joy and excitement by getting a healthy girl 3.5 kilogram! I was the fulfillment of their dream, though I hadn’t done anything. I wasn’t very thankful. I pooped in my dipper without excusing my behavior. I didn’t fill any needs in the house or in the garden. In fact, I didn’t even answer the phone before I turned five!. But anyway, my parents were pleased with me. Because I was the fulfillment of their dream just the way I was –their own daughter! Imagine how God and the angels were rejoicing about your birth! He had waited patiently for you since the before the foundation of the world.

The price of adoption

Your destiny is to be a son or daughter of God. It’s not your will, but his (john 1:13). Adoption is a very strong action. When I child is born in the natural way, it’s a response to a physical action committed between the parents. Adoption is a physical action committed as a respond to a desire in the parent’s hearts...

Very often, the adopters pay a great price. The price may be a big amount of money. They may have to build out their house, because certain countries require from the adopters a big house with two toilets.

God paid a greater price to make you his own child. We will never know the fullness of it before we stand in heaven and see face to face Jesus Christ, the son God had to sacrifice to make us his own children.

By working on your religious behaviour, you only gain a lot more religious behavior. But you can never work yourself into a deep personal relationship with your Heavenly Father. There are no gimmicks, no 10 steps (or commandments), you can’t do enough good works to deserve it –you will never deserve it!

You and I were sinners.

In the first book of The Bible, Genesis, we can read about how the devil tricked Adam and Eve to listen to him. He tricked them to break Gods command, even though it was only one, simple command –DON’T eat of this three! (Gen 2:17) -Adam and Eve sinned. Sin literally means "to fail a goal". Sin is also the power the devil uses to keep people bounded to himself. John 8,34 explains that:

Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.

Sin made Adam and Eve hide from God (gen 3:8) It made them ashamed and made them try to cover it up (gen 3:7). Accually, they had been running around naked in the garden till this very moment. Neighter God, or the devil told them to put on clothes. It was simply caused by their own consciousness of sin. Their sin made their children and grandchildren sin. And in the end, they died. Romans 6,23 states clearly that

“the wages of sin is death”

So when all comes to an end, we are not better than our ancectors Adam and Eve. We are all born with the ability to sin, and also the ability to try to "cover it up". Maybe you say that “I’m not a sinner. I haven’t done any big sins in life” But would you say the same if I encouraged you to pray to God or go to church? Most people answer like “why should I? Why should he have interest in me? Or: “No! I’m not that kind of person”

I can’t convince people about their sins, only God can do that. But the fact is that we are all children of Adam. We are all doing things that we are not proud about. We can try to hide from God. Or cover it up with good excuses; "I'm a good person. I give to the poor." But however, deep in our hearts, we understands that we are not “holy” (or bold) enough to have a long deep personal conversation with a God who is holy and sees every little thing you’ve done.

But you know what? God knew this!

He knew we were unholy. Sinners. Dirty! But anyway: He loved us and wanted to adopt us as his own children (Rom 5:8). He has interest in you!

We can see the price God paid for our adoption by reading the completeness of Ephesians 1:3-4 (the ….:)

even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.

When you were a child,you were  maybe familar with this phrase: "Go and wash your hands, then you can come and eat dinner". This is what we are used to. We need to be clean ourselves first -and then we can come and enjoy food and fellowship with our parents. But God is not like our parents. He knew that we were a way too dirty to complete the "washing" ourselves. So instead of demanding us to go and wash, He washed us himself!

Holy and blameless through Jesus Christ!

But as you see, God had a great work to do in order wash us, and to fulfill his adoption plans: He had to make us completely holy and blameless. How?

You know, it’s a stupid example, but do you know what I do when I really want to get somewhere by car? I cannot just go ahead and drive, because I have no driver’s license. So what can I do? Simply –I find somebody who has driver's lisence who is willing to drive me to the destination I want. And it’s the same with God. He knew that we had no drivers license (our willingness). We simply couldn’t make it to his presence. We had no holiness, only sin. And without holiness, none can face God.

But you know something great? God knew somebody with the license of holiness who could get us there –his only son Jesus Christ.

Jesus was willing to “do the ride” for you and me. He came to the earth like a human being. He was willing to “drive” his perfect blameless body all the way to hell. He had no reason to go there. Actually, he was the perfect son of God, created for enjoying life in heaven with his daddy. His perfect body was bruised by a nine haled wipe. His hands and feet were nailed. His head were torn. In the end he died. Look what it says in Isaiah 53:5:

But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed

He did the trip for us with our sins and garbage to the”junkyard” –Gehenna, which Hell literally means.

And he rose from death after three days. In order for you and I should never go around and wonder anymore. Is my sins paid or not? Am I holy before God, or not?

The work was finished! You can today stand as a holy and blameless person because of the trip Jesus did. Wow, it’s far! It’s far from Norway to India. But Jesus went from heaven to earth, to hell and back to earth and up to heaven again. -All for you.

You are free to live your destiny, in a personal relationship with your father who created you. My dear, He has so much beautiful things he wants to show you. He wants to give you good gifts. Fill the desires of your heart. He wants to embrace you with comfort and mercy and help in all situations. And he wants to give you a “family” consisting of brothers and sisters in flesh and blood in a local church close to your home. All you need to do is not to try to be anything or do anything. You only need to accept that Jesus has done all you needed to do. If you have never done it before, you can simply do it by praying out loud this prayer;

God, Father.
I come to you know, confessing that I am a sinner.
Now I understand that I need you.
I realize that I can’t make it by myself.
But I thank you so much for sending Jesus Christ to die for me.
Forgive my sins. Jesus be my Lord. God, be my father.
Thank you for making me your own child in the name of Jesus Christ.